During the videos that discussed Action Research Lessons from Scholar Practitiners each of the scholars placed heavy importance on the review of data when looking at areas where students are struggling to intervene and implement change on student learning. They also recommended for future leaders to read research in their area of interest. There is an enormous of information and research already conducted by others who have struggled with the same issues. It was also suggested to conduct an action research over what you want to know as it applies to student learning. You will be more interested, focused on the outcome, and the students most of all will benefit from your research.
Also, Dr. Jenkins outlined the 4 elements to an effective purpose for an action research project. The purpose: 1) is clearly defined, 2)focused, 3)reasonable/feasible, and 4) ethical. Above all choose something that you will be interested in.
Lastly, the Dana text suggests that qualitative research questions typically come from "real world" observations and dilemmas or from one's own experiences.These "wonderings" that initiate most action research investigations usually come from one of nine "areas of passion". The nine passion sources are: 1) staff development, 2) curriculum development, 3) individual teachers, 4) individual students, 5) school community and culture, 6) leadership, 7) management, 8) school performance, and 9) social justice.
Lastly, the Dana text suggests that qualitative research questions typically come from "real world" observations and dilemmas or from one's own experiences.These "wonderings" that initiate most action research investigations usually come from one of nine "areas of passion". The nine passion sources are: 1) staff development, 2) curriculum development, 3) individual teachers, 4) individual students, 5) school community and culture, 6) leadership, 7) management, 8) school performance, and 9) social justice.