Action Research Plan
Goal: To determine the factors that encourage/discourage parental involvement and the affect they have on pass/fail rates for students who are classified under any demographically at risk category. Identify the programs that are most likely to succeed in increasing parental involvement and student success on our campus.
Action step(s)
Person(s) responsible
Needed resources
Meet with site supervisor and administrative team to discuss implementation of action research
Terrence Drain and Michael Bennett On Site Supervisor
August 2012
October 2012
Meeting time and space
Reflection and suggestions from leadership team
Research data on dropout and retention rates for the past three sophomore classes in regards to at-risk demographic population
Terrence Drain
August 2012
September 2012
Database access from campus leadership
Site supervisor recommendations on plans-of-action
Interview individual students in all my World History classes
Terrence Drain and Michael Bennett On Site Supervisor
August 29 2012 – August 31 2012
Desks, meeting area, interview questions
Discuss with site supervisor the results and illicit recommendations
Identify at-risk population on my role for the incoming sophomore class
Terrence Drain
August 2012
September 2012
Database access from campus leadership
Discuss list with teachers and request qualitative info on student progress
Meet with at-risk sophomores during administrative period regularly
Terrence Drain
Students and Parents
August 2012 –
March 2013
Meeting space and times
Principal permission
Student/Parent/Teacher feedback via survey or testimonials
Distribute questionnaire addressing school policy, instruction, homework, activities, discipline, parent involvement, and teacher communication, to parents and relevant teachers of the students on my roster identified under any of the “at-risk” demographics
Terrence Drain
August 2012 –
October 2012
Develop questionnaire, avenues for disbursement and retrieval
Discuss with site supervisor the results and illicit recommendations
Research effective parental involvement strategies
Terrence Drain
September 2012
November 2012
Professional journals
District administrators
Data/testimonials from research on program effectiveness
Research assessment data from unit tests as well as grade checks quarterly
Terrence Drain
August 2012 –
April 2013
Test data from districts Schoolnet software
Qualitative data from teachers
Track CUA data over the course of the year noting improvements to student success as it relates to level of parental involvement