Action research, also referred to as teacher inquiry and administrative inquiry, is a third option in educational research that “highlights the role practitioner’s play as knowledge generators,” to facilitate change in the effort of campus improvement. Even though the varied terms are comparatively new to educational research that would lead educators to believe it to be just another educational fad their ideas and roles are not. Action research enables principals to improve their schools from the inside out as opposed to the traditional research approach of outside in. Ultimately, campus improvement paves the way for student achievement. The two previous paradigms in traditional research served as the fundamental way to improve schools for many years, and these findings were at the hands primarily of university researchers. The problem was that "process-product" research and "qualitative" research had a major flaw. A severe disconnect existed because the problems and solutions offered in traditional research were conducted and formulated outside of the school and expected to be implemented without question. Action research alleviates this disconnect because the campus administrator or teacher is actively engaged in the action research. They are the people who best know the pulse of the school, and thus they best know what problems need attention. Much like a doctor, the principal or teacher uses data to diagnose the problem, makes a diagnosis, uses his/her expertise to determine a path of improvement, takes action, and preserves maintenance plan implementation.
Action research has the intended goal of creating a pathway for change. It has several benefits, which makes it an inevitable part and mainstay of the future for administrators. First, the research and knowledge gained is founded from actual educational experience. This helps because the researchers are investigating concerns from their own building, thus increasing the motivation for all practitioners and collaborators. Administrators also place themselves in a positive light amongst his/her peers and staff members as an action researcher. As the head learner, willing to dirty-up the hands, the principal displays role-model tendencies that students and adults should use for ideal behavior. Another benefit is that teachers, as vital contributors of the action research process, reduce their own isolation while self-evaluating the best practices they promote in the classroom. All of these attributes promote why action research is rapidly becoming a concrete pillar for campus improvement.
Action research has the intended goal of creating a pathway for change. It has several benefits, which makes it an inevitable part and mainstay of the future for administrators. First, the research and knowledge gained is founded from actual educational experience. This helps because the researchers are investigating concerns from their own building, thus increasing the motivation for all practitioners and collaborators. Administrators also place themselves in a positive light amongst his/her peers and staff members as an action researcher. As the head learner, willing to dirty-up the hands, the principal displays role-model tendencies that students and adults should use for ideal behavior. Another benefit is that teachers, as vital contributors of the action research process, reduce their own isolation while self-evaluating the best practices they promote in the classroom. All of these attributes promote why action research is rapidly becoming a concrete pillar for campus improvement.
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